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Keys Soulcare

Keys Soulcare Keys Soulcare
Location: United States

Keys Soulcare is a skincare brand started by Alecia keys, a Grammy award-winning singer in the United States. This brand is focused on clean beauty that is dermatologist developed. This product line currently has 10 products containing mainly skincare products, a fade roller tool, and an amazing scented candle!

The golden cleanser is Manuka honey is the top-recommended product on Keys Soul care

my name is Sarah!
Today I want to dive into Keys Soulcare!

It is a skincare brand started by Alicia keys, a Grammy award-winning singer in the United States. This brand is focused on clean beauty that is dermatologist developed. This product line currently has 10 products containing mainly skincare products, a fade roller tool, and an amazing scented candle!

My favorite product is the Golden cleanser with manuka honey! It’s a great price and it has all-natural ingredients

The top product is the Skin Transformation Cream With Bakuchiol which is known for being the vegan alternative to retinol. Retinol is the most popular skincare ingredient to moisturize skin and has anti-aging properties.

There has been some criticism for having malachite in the skincare cream. Malachite in general contains a lot of copper, which is toxic to humans if they ingest any significant amount. It contains 70% of the copper compound CuO which is naturally released in the air. You must not try to ingest raw malachite in any way. Anyone who works with the raw mineral has protective gear and artisans who cut the mineral use water to prevent the copper from flying to the air. CuO nanoparticles were most potent regarding cytotoxicity and DNA damage. The toxicity was likely not explained by Cu ions released to the cell medium. These particles also caused oxidative lesions – this is from pub med, i’ll leave it down below

On the other hand,

Dr. Renée Snyder is a doctor featured on keyssoulcare.com and mentioned that quote: “Malachite, known as the stone of transformation and used since the ancient Egyptian era, is such a powerful little crystal,” says Dr. Snyder. “Rich in copper, its anti-free radical properties help protect skin while retaining moisture.”

As mentioned before, the product that contains the malachite is the skin transformations cream with Bakuchiol. A plant derivative rich in antioxidants and often called ‘nature’s retinol’, this Ayurvedic extract from the Indian babchi plant helps plump the look of skin.

This is why most people credit this product as the vegan alternative to retinol. Retinol is the most popular skincare ingredient to moisturize skin and has anti-aging properties. I like the sound of bakuchiol as opposed to the malachite. The skin cream is the only product in the whole line that contains malachite

So what is the truth? Is it harmful or is it wonderful?

Well, some studies claim that it can be harmful – like on pub med, but other sources state that it isn’t as toxic in small quantities.

if the malachite stone/gem is worn as jewelry, it is 100% safe but you do have to be careful not to break it near you and you must handle it with care. Malachite in this particular skincare product is hard to say because I’m not sure exactly how they extracted the malachite.

I would leave that decision up to you! I will say that all of their other products contain 100% non-toxic ingredients! Like their Golden cleanser with Manuka honey!

there’s also an amazing cause behind supporting her brand with the Happy org foundation. It’s a youth-founded and led 501(c)(3) organization that empowers young people through holistic education. CEO Haile Thomas founded HAPPY when she was only 12 years old!

All in all, I think the brand is amazing, I love the spiritual, loving energy it exudes. I will stay away from the malachite cream personally, but everything else is perfection, in my opinion!

Taken from About page on keysoulcare.com ” YOUR JOURNEY TO GREATNESS, WELCOME.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Creating Keys Soulcare has been my pleasure and my passion. The truth is, self-care — self-love, really — has always been super important to me.

It’s not just the products that I use, it’s also the space I give myself. To slow down. To meditate. To do a face mask or to light my favorite candle. It’s these moments — these rituals — that nurture me and make me feel connected body, mind, and spirit. It’s my one wish that every soul experiences these moments of self-love and acceptance so that we can all shine brighter together.

Love and light,

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