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Luxx Curves

Luxx Curves Luxx Curves Luxx Curves Luxx Curves
Founder(s): Tatiana James
Top Product: unknown

College student and waitress had 3 failed Amazon beauty brands until…

Tatiana James is a Vancouver native who worked as a waitress while pursuing a political science degree. She dreamed of becoming a digital nomad with her boyfriend at the time, Stefan James, and decided Amazon would be the ideal place to start. After starting 3 different failed beauty businesses, she finally found the perfect product to sell: waist trainers.

This photo was taken from Tatiana Jmes Youtube channel, Sol Archives does not own the rights.

The idea:
Tatiana was inspired to start her business after struggling with her own body image and self-confidence. She began using waist trainers and other shaping products to help her achieve her desired figure and eventually decided to start her own company to help other women do the same.

How it started:
With around $300, she started by selling e-books, then the Konjac beauty sponge. She reinvested the profits from those products to create a 3D fiber mascara brand. Unfortunately, her friend suffered an allergic reaction to the mascara, which made her realize that its time to find a different product to sell. One that was safe to sell, one that she was more passionate about, and one that she could sell effortlessly.

This photo was taken from Tatiana Jmes Youtube channel, Sol Archives does not own the rights.

How it’s going:
Since launching her waist trainers on Amazon in 2016, her brand Luxx Curves has amassed 181,000 Youtube subscribers, 44,000+ Instagram followers, and over $1 million dollars in revenue. Tatiana now teaches other entrepreneurs how to sell products on Amazon via her Tatiana James Youtube channel with over 400k subscribers. She is expecting her first child very soon, building a beachside house in Panama, and living the digital nomad lifestyle she has always dreamed of!

This photo was taken from Tatiana Jmes Youtube channel, Sol Archives does not own the rights.


Top 3 Online Marketing Strategies

Influencer Marketing: Tatiana had a small following online when she launched her waist trainers. Although her boyfriend at the time, Stefan James from Project Life Mastery had a large following, she never promoted Luxx Curves on his channel because they were not her target audience. She eventually grew her personal brand alongside her e-commerce brand and was able to utilize her influence to continue to grow the brand. Meanwhile, Tatiana still utilized influencer marketing with Youtube fitness influencers. Influencer marketing involves partnering with people who have a large social media following and getting them to promote your product or service to their audience.

Social Media Advertising: Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer powerful advertising tools that can help businesses target specific audiences with their ads. Luxx Curves has likely used these tools to reach potential customers who are interested in body-shaping products.

Content Marketing: Luxx Curves has a blog on its website where they publish articles about body shaping, fashion, and lifestyle topics. Their Youtube channel has 322 videos and their most popular video has 1.6 million organic views. By creating high-quality content that provides value to their audience, they can attract potential customers to their website and build their brand. Content marketing can also help with search engine optimization (SEO) by improving a company’s search engine rankings and visibility.


Rhyming story of Luxx Curves by Tatiana James

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a woman named Tatiana, full of dreams and sway.
She pondered on an idea, a business she would create,
To help women feel confident, proud, and great.

One day, as Tatiana strolled through the park,
She noticed women struggling to find their spark.
Their bodies, she saw, were beautiful and unique,
But society’s standards made them feel weak.

Inspired by their plight, Tatiana set out to find,
A solution that would empower, body and mind.
She researched, she studied, day and night,
Until she discovered a secret, shining bright.

It was the magic of curves, the allure of the hourglass,
A symbol of femininity that none could surpass.
Tatiana knew she had found her calling,
To create a brand that would be truly enthralling.

With passion and determination, she started her quest,
Designing waist trainers that were the very best.
She named her brand Luxx Curves, with love and care,
Promising women a figure beyond compare.

The journey was tough, obstacles she did face,
But Tatiana’s spirit would not be erased.
She persevered through the ups and the downs,
Turning her vision into successful bounds.

Luxx Curves gained popularity, both near and far,
Women embraced their bodies, like shining stars.
The waist trainers provided support and grace,
Enhancing curves, with a confident embrace.

Tatiana expanded her line, adding more to her list,
Body shapers, leggings, all to assist.
With each new product, she touched more lives,
Helping women feel beautiful, as time flies.

Today, Luxx Curves thrives, a symbol of empowerment,
A beacon of self-love, with each moment spent.
Tatiana’s dream has become a reality,
A brand that uplifts, bringing joy and vitality.

Women from all walks of life, around the globe,
Find solace and comfort, as they confidently probe.
Luxx Curves by Tatiana James, a name so dear,
Celebrating curves, year after year.

So remember this tale, of a dream brought to life,
Through perseverance, passion, and creative strife.
Luxx Curves continues to grow and inspire,
A testament to Tatiana’s entrepreneurial fire.


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