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Mented Cosmetics

Mented Cosmetics
Founder(s): Kristen Jones (KJ) Miller and Amanda E. Johnson
Top Product: unknown

In 2017, Kristen Jones (KJ) Miller and Amanda E. Johnson graduated from Harvard Business School and created Mented Cosmetics. It is a game-changing makeup brand that has a goal of providing women of color with more beauty options


How it started: 

  • The idea for the company came from Miller’s personal struggles with finding nude lipsticks that complemented her skin tone.
  • She would watched YouTube videos and hand-mixed formulas in her kitchen to find the best shade
  • Miller and Johnson were operating out of their Harlem 1 bedroom apartments and fulfilling orders themselves. They had to be creative and resourceful in order to get the brand off the ground, relying on social media and word-of-mouth marketing to generate buzz.


How it’s going:

  • Today, Mented Cosmetics has since become a hugely successful brand, with a loyal following and a range of 97 products that includes not just lipsticks, but also eyeshadows, nail polishes, and more.
  • They have over 250K followers on Instagram and 17 employees at their New York City-based headquarters
  • Mented Cosmetics’ estimated annual revenue is currently $3.5M per year as of 2023.


Mented Cosmetics, founded by KJ Miller and Amanda Johnson, has used several marketing strategies to grow their brand. Here are three of their most notable strategies:

Inclusivity: Mented Cosmetics has made inclusivity a core part of their brand identity. They recognized that there was a lack of representation of women of color in the beauty industry and sought to fill that gap by creating a line of cosmetics specifically designed for women of color. By focusing on inclusivity, they have been able to tap into a previously underserved market and build a loyal customer base.

Social Media Marketing & Influencer Marketing: Mented Cosmetics has leveraged social media to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness. They have built a strong presence on Instagram, showcasing their products and engaging with their customers. They also collaborate with influencers and micro-influencers to reach new audiences and promote their products.

Community Building: Mented Cosmetics has built a strong community around their brand. They host events and pop-ups to connect with their customers in person and build relationships. They also have a loyalty program that rewards customers for their purchases, which encourages repeat business and helps build brand loyalty.

Overall, Mented Cosmetics’ marketing strategies have been focused on creating a strong brand identity and building relationships with their customers. By prioritizing inclusivity, social media marketing, and community building, they have been able to grow their brand and become a leading player in the beauty industry.

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