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Moon X Cosmetics

Moon X Cosmetics Moon X Cosmetics Moon X Cosmetics Moon X Cosmetics Moon X Cosmetics Moon X Cosmetics
Location: United States

The Beauty

Meet your new favorite vegan skin-care brand MoonXCosmetics! They feature dozens of before and after pictures of their clear skin on their Instagram, and hundreds of people using the hashtag #moonxcosmetics!

Their best-seller, Rose Galore (a mixture of avocado oil, argan oil, vitamin e oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, organic rosehip oil, and dried roses), has helped people’s scars go from bright to almost nonexistent in only a few weeks. The most popular brands in the beauty market contain harsh chemicals and can usually take months to see a difference. It’s no wonder this brand blew up!

Jayda Wayda Cheaves with Moon X Cosmetics

This amazing natural oil is made for all skin types and challenges, from oily skin to hyperpigmentation. Be sure to use the discount code on its page to buy your first product with 10% OFF! this is a public discount code and we are not sponsored/affiliated. We just want you to try them out!


Jayda Wayda Cheaves with Moon X Cosmetics

The Business

Mariee Revere, the brand’s 20-year-old founder, and CEO mentions trying everything the dermatologist suggested but nothing worked. She felt frustrated and wanted vegan products that work well on melanated skin.  She started by creating all-natural products, in her grandmother’s kitchen, to use on her skin. When she saw that it was working, she decided to start her skincare brand and launch Moon X Cosmetics in 2019.

By using user-generated photos, before and after images, she was able to gain a following of supporters who fell in love with her product!

Her brand caters to women/men of color who are dealing with acne-prone skin.

In 2020, she started marketing her brand with influencers, one of which was Jayda Cheeves! That same year, she went to make over 1,000,000 in 8 minutes from her successful products!

subscribe to par moon: https://www.youtube.com/c/parmoonx


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