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Founder(s): Dr. Kristian Edwards

Dr. Kristian Edwards, a graduate of Yale and Johns Hopkins University, a Public Health professor created BLK + GRN, a marketplace for black artisans and entrepreneurs.

The idea:

The company was born out of Kristian’s personal experience with health issues and her desire to lead a healthier and more natural lifestyle. After reading Our Black Year by Maggie Anderson, she understood the economic importance of buying Black and the barriers that made buying Black difficult. Kristian noticed that there was a lack of representation and accessibility of clean and natural products for people of color. This inspired her to create a marketplace for products that were specifically crafted by black artisans and entrepreneurs.

How it started:

In 2017, Kristian launched BLK + GRN with the goal of providing a space for black-owned businesses to showcase their natural, non-toxic, and sustainable products. Initially it was a solo operation, with Edwards packing up every order herself from her Maryland home. The brand’s name, BLK + GRN, represents the colors of the earth and the melanin of black people, highlighting the importance of the relationship between nature and black culture.

How it’s going:

Today, BLK + GRN offers a wide range of products, including skincare, hair care, home goods, and even wellness items like teas and supplements. Over 136 Black Artisan brands are featured on BLK + GRN. Each product is carefully curated and vetted by Kristian and her team to ensure that it meets their high standards for quality and sustainability.

Through her company, Kristian has not only created a space for black-owned businesses to thrive but has also empowered individuals to make more conscious and informed choices about the products they use in their daily lives.

Top 3 Marketing Strategies


Social Media Marketing: Kristian Edwards used social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, to promote BLK + GRN’s products and to build a loyal following. She regularly shared engaging content, including product photos, behind-the-scenes stories, and educational posts about natural and sustainable living. Kristian also leveraged influencer marketing by partnering with social media influencers who shared her brand’s values and helped promote BLK + GRN to their audiences.

Email Marketing: Kristian Edwards used email marketing to stay in touch with her customers and to provide them with exclusive offers, product updates, and educational content. She built an email list by offering a discount or a free gift to customers who signed up. She also segmented her email list to target specific groups of customers with personalized messages based on their interests, preferences, and purchase history.

Content/Podcast Marketing: Kristian Edwards used content marketing to educate and inspire her audience about natural and sustainable living. She created a blog and podcast on BLK + GRN’s website, where she shared articles, interviews, and how-to guides on topics related to wellness, beauty, and sustainability. She also collaborated with other bloggers and influencers to create guest posts and to cross-promote each other’s content. By providing valuable and informative content, Kristian was able to establish herself and her brand as thought leaders in the natural and sustainable living space.


A Rhyming story of BLK + GRN


Once upon a time, in a world of dreams,
Dr. Kristian Edwards had an extraordinary scheme.
She pondered and wondered, her mind all awhirl,
A vision of unity, a project to unfurl.

Inspired by nature’s tapestry of colors so bold,
She sought to create a space where stories could be told.
With a brushstroke of brilliance, she blended black and green,
A vibrant blend of cultures, the most beautiful she’d seen.

The idea took root, sprouting branches so wide,
A platform for entrepreneurs, a place where they could ride.
BLK + GRN, she called it, a name full of grace,
A marketplace of wellness, a truly sacred space.

Dr. Kristian envisioned a world without divide,
Where black-owned businesses could truly thrive.
She knew that representation mattered, it held great power,
And so she crafted a haven, like a blooming flower.

With each curated product, she weaved a tale,
Supporting artisans whose skills would never fail.
From natural skincare to organic teas,
BLK + GRN offered choices that brought customers to their knees.

The journey was not easy, she faced hurdles along the way,
But her determination burned bright, a guiding ray.
She rallied a community, a tribe of supporters,
Building a foundation that grew stronger through all sorts.

Word spread like wildfire, across mountains and seas,
People embraced BLK + GRN, feeling a newfound ease.
Entrepreneurs blossomed, their dreams took flight,
Their businesses flourishing, bathed in the warmest light.

From coast to coast, the movement grew strong,
Inclusive and diverse, like a jubilant song.
Dr. Kristian’s vision had become a reality,
A testament to the power of unity and equality.

Today, BLK + GRN thrives, a symbol of hope,
A beacon of empowerment, where entrepreneurs can cope.
Dr. Kristian’s legacy shines, a radiant flame,
Inspiring generations to uplift and reclaim.

So let this tale be a reminder, of the magic we can create,
When we embrace diversity, and erase the walls of hate.
BLK + GRN stands tall, a testament to our shared worth,
A testament to the power of community and rebirth.

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