
If you have a video already doing well, you should create Spark Ads on TikTok to fuel the fire and get more sales, engagement, and purchases for your product! Here’s how to do it very quickly in a step-by-step format.

What is a Spark Ad and How Does it Appear In-Feed

Spark Ads give you the best of both worlds! They let brands take TikToks that feel natural and authentic, just like regular posts, and turn them into ads. This means you can connect with your audience and boost your business in a way that’s genuine and effective.

Why Use Spark Ads?

Imagine this: You’re scrolling through your favorite social media app, and suddenly, there it is – a Spark Ad that doesn’t just feel like an ad but actually connects with you on a whole new level. Intrigued? Let’s dive into the magic of Spark Ads!

So, Spark Ads is all about helping brands grow by forging real connections with the community. We’re talking about that warm and fuzzy feeling when you stumble upon content that doesn’t scream “advertising” but instead fits right in with your daily scroll. How do they do it? Well, it’s like they’ve combined the superpowers of TopView and In-Feed Ads with the charm of organic content.

Now, let’s talk TikTok, the land of viral dances and catchy tunes. With Spark Ads, not only can you watch cool videos, but you can also create your own. Want to groove to the same soundtrack as your favorite influencer? Go for it! You can even team up with them and do a Duet or Stitch. And guess what? You can add a slick call-to-action (CTA) button to lead fellow TikTokers to your very own landing page. That’s some serious power!

But wait, there’s more! With the spiffy new Spark Ads interface, a part of your landing page will be visible to users when they click through to your brand’s profile. That’s like giving them a sneak peek, making them even more curious. And when curiosity strikes, clicks follow – leading to a higher click-through rate. 📈

Here’s the kicker: Spark Ads aren’t just here to dazzle you; they’re here to deliver real results. They outperform those dull non-Spark Ads and offer efficient buying options. It’s like the best of both worlds – seamlessly blending organic and paid strategies for maximum impact.

The Step By Step

1 Visit TikTok for Business: https://getstartedtiktok.pxf.io/eKEdJr

2 Be sure that your TikTok Pixel is enabled and working (VERY IMPORTANT)

What is a TikTok Pixel

So, picture this: the TikTok Pixel is your secret sauce for TikTok business success. It’s like having a digital wingman that tracks what folks do after seeing your ads. Plus, it helps optimize your campaigns, measures those all-important conversions, dishes out audience insights, and even lets you build custom audiences. It’s the behind-the-scenes wizardry that turns your TikTok ads from ‘meh’ to ‘heck yeah!’ 🚀💰

Check to see if you have a working TikTok Pixel by using their Chrome extension: TikTok Pixel Helper

If you are sure you did not create a TikTok pixel, follow the steps from this blog post: https://sol-archives.com/2023/09/set-up-a-tiktok-ad-campaign-in-14-steps-like-a-pro-marketer-for-your-beauty-brand

3 Create an ad campaign. The best conversion objective is: Purchase/Place An Order

Choose your advertising objectives based on your goals. Common objectives for beauty brands include brand awareness, website traffic, and conversions.

4 Optimization location with Smart Performance Objective

Select the TikTok Pixel and the Conversion event (Place an order for the best conversion event for beauty brands)

5. Placements

6. Audience Selection

Be sure to select countries that you ship to. If you only ship within the U.S., select the United States. If you ship to the U.S. and Canada, be sure that both are selected. Exclude users under 18 for now. Most people over 18 are active shoppers.

7. Budget, Schedule & Bidding

Starting with a daily budget of $20 USD or $20 CAD is perfect for small businesses. Be sure to schedule the ad to start running at 12 a.m. the coming day. That way, the budget resets after 24 hours. This is also the optimal time to start running ads on TikTok as recorded by past campaigns for beauty brands.

8. Regular In-feed Ads vs. Spark Ads

If you have TikTok videos that are already doing well (from your account or an influencer’s account) I would HIGHLY recommend creating a Spark Ad

Here is how the Non-Spark ads setup looks in TikTok – be sure to leave the “Use TikTok account to deliver spark ads” is unselected

Here’s how the ad dashboard looks with Spark ads selected from your own account (this is our Sol Archives account). Simply select your most Popular video from your TikTok account that promotes your product effectively. If you need 12 Trending/Viral TikTok / Reels ideas, visit our beauty brand marketing blog: 12 Viral Content Ideas blog

How the ad dashboard looks when you want to use an influencer’s video

Click “Authorize New” then enter the code that the Influencer sends you. To get the code, the influencer/UGC creator must go to the video with your product, and click the 3 buttons at the bottom of the video (above the audio and below the comments/saves. Select ad settings, click ad authorization, be sure that they select 365 days, and the code will automatically be copied. They will then send the code to you

Click “Search” and select the video

Step 13. Adding Link and Submit

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully created a Spark TikTok ad!

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