
If you’ve ever wondered how to start a business and actually make money from it, I’ve got some exciting news for you. Imagine opening a shop and making thousands of dollars each month by selling AI-generated art. Sounds cool, right? Well, it’s totally possible, and I’m here to show you how.

I stumbled upon a shop that’s only been open for six months and is already making $7,000 a month. And guess what? They’re selling AI art! You might be thinking, “That’s just one shop, they got lucky.” But here’s another one doing the same thing. They’ve been open for a year and made over $270,000. And another shop opened in August and is now pulling in $118,000 a month.

Why AI Art?

AI art is a relatively untapped market with a lot of potentials. Not everyone will make this much money, but it’s definitely possible if you know what you’re doing. I’m going to show you exactly how you can use AI to create and sell this type of art. Plus, I’ll introduce you to some tools that will add an extra layer of efficiency to your business, making it possible to automate the entire process.

Getting Started: Automating the Process

First things first, you want to automate as much of this process as possible. This means you don’t have to worry about printing or shipping the art yourself. A great company to help with this is Gelato. They’re the number one most trusted global print-on-demand platform. They offer a variety of high-quality products you can add your designs to, and they handle the printing and shipping for you.

Why Gelato?

Gelato stands out from other print-on-demand platforms because of the unique tools they offer. These tools can increase your conversion rates and ultimately help you make more sales.

Other Print-on-Demand Options:

Creating Your Art with MidJourney

Next, we need to figure out what type of art to create. We’ll use a tool called MidJourney, which makes this super easy. With MidJourney, you just give it a prompt describing the type of art you want, and it generates several options for you to choose from.

Before we start creating, though, it’s important to research what kind of art people are buying. Looking at the successful shops I mentioned earlier, you’ll notice they sell antique, vintage-style art with an oil painting or hand-painted look.

Finding Inspiration

One popular type of AI art that’s selling well right now is custom pet portraits with a Renaissance style. People love getting personalized items related to their pets, and one shop made $134,000 in a year selling just one type of custom pet photo.


Using MidJourney

To start creating art, join MidJourney’s beta, which will prompt you to join their Discord server. If you don’t have Discord, you can download it for free. Once you’re in, you can choose a membership plan for as low as $10 a month, which allows you to use your images commercially.

In Discord, go to the MidJourney bot and type /imagine followed by your prompt. For example, you could type “create a field of wildflowers, textured oil painting, 16×9.” MidJourney will generate several images based on your prompt. You can then select and upscale your favorite ones to download and start selling.

Custom Pet Photos

If you want to create custom pet photos, have your customers email you a photo of their pet after purchase. Upload this photo to MidJourney, and use a similar process to create a customized pet portrait. You might say, “dog in black suit with red tie, portrait painting.” MidJourney will generate a few options, and you can pick the one that looks most like the pet in the photo.

Making Your Art Stand Out

One way to stand out from other sellers is to offer personalization, such as adding the pet’s name to the portrait. Gelato’s integration with Etsy includes a personalization studio that lets customers see a high-quality preview of their custom art. This feature will definitely increase your conversion rates.

Setting Up Your Online Store

To sell your art, you’ll need to set up an online store. Etsy is a great platform to use because it has a built-in audience of millions of customers. Plus, they have features that make it easy to offer personalized products.

If you need help setting up your Etsy account, I’ve created a free guide that walks you through the process step-by-step. Once your store is set up, connect it to Gelato, and you’re ready to go.

person doing online shopping
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Creating Mockups

Mockups are important because they help you showcase your art in a way that attracts customers. Gelato allows you to create free mockups on their platform. After connecting the personalization studio, choose a product to personalize, like wall art, and upload your design. Make sure your image is high quality by resizing it if necessary.

Pricing and Listing Your Art

When it comes to pricing, look at what similar items are selling for on Etsy and aim to be competitive. As a beginner, you might want to price your items a bit lower to attract more buyers. Use tools like Google’s Gemini to help you write optimized descriptions with the best keywords.


Starting a business selling AI art is not only possible but can be very profitable if you do it right. By automating the process with Gelato, using tools like MidJourney to create your art, and setting up a shop on Etsy, you can start making money relatively quickly. Remember to offer personalized options to stand out and continuously research what’s trending in the market.

Good luck, and happy selling!

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